Dasi is available to give clinics about different topics of horse riding all over Europe. She knows how to help unsure and inexperienced riders with their horse, and can support advanced riders who want to go to the next level, as well.
Additionally, she gives clinics in preparation for horse shows in Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Horsemanship, Showmanship, Hunt Seat Equitation, Trail, Western Riding, Longe Line and Halter classes.

Dasi coacht auf Turnieren sehr erfolgreich Jugendliche und Amateure. Ihr ist es sehr wichtig erreichbare Ziele zu setzen. Auf dem Turnier betreut Dasi ihre Schützlinge von A bis Z – es werden die Pattern geübt, der Tagesablauf organisiert, die Outfits optimiert, Nervosität abgebaut und die Leistung nach der Klassen besprochen. So kann dann für die Zukunft ein optimaler Trainingsplan erstellt werden um die gesetzten Ziele zu erreichen.
Dasi very successfully coaches Youth and Amateur riders at horse shows. It´s important for her to define reachable goals. She takes care of all the rider’s needs at the shows; she helps them with organization, practicing patterns, their outfits, helping to control their nerves and reviewing their performance in the ring. She can help make a plan for the future to help everyone reach their goals.